Outlanders Just Like M E of Countryside - Countryside Gun Dogs

Outlanders Just Like M E of Countryside

Outlanders Just Like M E of Countryside


Countryside Show N Go Cooper MH x Intl. Ch. Outlanders Crystal Image UT PZ 1

Emmy is also a new addition to our kennel, and we are very excited to see her grow she already has a ton of drive and is also very cooperative showing those strong traits of Cooper and Honor, and she has style on her birds. Emmy will have a good wild bird season and be on our string of dogs for guiding and then in the spring we'll be testing her in AKC Hunt Test and NAVHDA




Countryside Show-N-Go Cooper, MH

Jaegerhof's Sir Henry Higgins, MH

Ch. Baron von Wendig, MH

DC AFC Stradivarius Baroque

DC Hillhaven's Hustler

Wendy vom Enzstrand

Evridki von Hainholz, UT,SH

FC AFC Louis von Hinholz

Cookies and Cream II, JH

Ch. Snip's Cricket von Jaegerhof, MH

DC AFC Stradivarius Baroque

DC Hillhaven's Hustler

Wendy vom Enzstrand

Snip's Gidget

DC Timberdoodle's Lancer's Answer

Snip's Chip von WIldburg, UT, SH

Indian Brook's Emmy, MH

VC Jacob vd Westwind, MH

Westwind Commander Riker

DC Hillhaven Hustler
Doc's Brauna vd Westwind MH

Hustler's Megan vd Westwind

DC Hillhaven Hustler
Wendy vom Enzstrand

Indian Brooks Hustlen Crystal, UT PZI, MH

DC Hillhaven Hustler

Hillhaven Handsome
Hillhaven Mark V's Mandy

Indian Brooks Autumn,  UT PZII

Woodland's Lord Hanschen,  MH, UTPZI
Indian Brook's Molly,  UT PZ III

Intl. Ch. Outlanders Crystal Image, UT PZI

VC, Intl Ch. Sharp Shooters Let 'er Rip Sharp Shooters APC Algonquin, UT PZ I KS, VC, Intl. Ch. Orson vom Pottsiepen KS Kristan vom Pottsiepen
KS Ilka vom Pottsiepen
Sharp Shooter's Corkpine Bid, UT PZII VC. Intl. Ch. Shooting Stars Sharp Shooter, MH
VC. Tess von Klana Spirit
VC, Intl. Ch. Triple J's Run Rainey Run, MH VC. Intl. Ch. Shooting Stars Sharp Shooter, MH Ch. Xcalibur vom Enzstrand
Shooting Comet's Hustln Haily, MH
Kelly's Virginia Classic, MH VC Hoss vom Emil
Caladen's Classy Kelly


VC Jacob vd Westwind, MH

Westwind Commander Riker

DC Hillhaven Hustler
Doc's Brauna vd Westwind MH

Hustler's Megan vd Westwind

DC Hillhaven Hustler
Wendy vom Enzstrand

Indian Brooks Hustlen Crystal, UT PZI, MH

DC Hillhaven Hustler

Hillhaven Handsome
Hillhaven Mark V's Mandy

Indian Brooks Autumn, UT PZII

Woodland's Lord Hanschen,  MH, UTPZI
Indian Brook's Molly,  UT PZ III

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